Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Reading Diary B, Week 2: Lanka

Hanuman is told of his divine abilities that have been hidden from him his whole life. He is able to grow larger than a mountain and step across the ocean to Lanka. He then reduces his size and moves secretly through the city trying to find Sita. He first finds Ravana's wife, Mandodari, believing her to be Sita but begins to see that her features do not match those told to him by Rama. He continues his search and finds Sita surrounded by female guards who terrorize her. As they walk away Sita plans to hang herself but Hanuman reaches her in time and explains his presence. He presents her with the ring from Rama and she in turn gives him her jewelry to take back with him.

Hanuman runs from the guards and could easily have eluded all but allows himself to be captured by Indrajit, son of Ravana. Hanuman meets with Ravana and explains the situation and request the surrender of Sita. However, Ravana doesn't take this lightly and plans to kill Hanuman who is only spared by the words of Vibhishana, the youngest brother of Ravana. Hanuman's tail is set ablaze and he escapes, running through the city and lighting everything in sight on fire. Maya rebuilds the whole city.

Vibhishana and Ravana argue about his actions and Vibishana retreats across the water in order to join the camp of Rama. Rama's councils believes him to be a spy but Hanuman and Rama allow his entrance and take benefit in his knowledge of Ravana's forces.

The monkey forces move across the ocean into Lanka and the fighting begins. Ravana continually tries to make Sita believe that he has killed Rama. First by creating a decapitated head looking like his and showing it to her, secondly by poisoning him with snake darts that put him to sleep on the battlefield. Ravana is bested by Rama but the fighting ends and Rama allows him to rest and return the next day with fresh weapons.

Kumbakarna is a heavy sleeper, wakes up, and eats a lot of people and monkeys. Rama and Ravana battle one another in chariots, racing through the sky. Rama defeats Ravana with an arrow through his heart.

Rama test Sita in fire to make sure she is still pure. She passes and they are reunited. He gets a wish and all is forgiven. Rama returns to Adoy

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