- Animals running wild, decided to pick a king to rule them
- Chose a tiger because of his great strength
- He was self-centered and foolish towards the ways of others
- The tiger one day hears the singing of a small bug
- Its so small he can't see it, all he sees is monkeys in the tree
- The monkey tells the tiger the singing is coming from his sister
- The king vows to marry her because of her voice
- The monkeys try to come up with excuses of why he cannot marry her
- Finally the give in and tell the tiger they can marry in a week so they can prepare
- The whole monkey tribe decide to make a clay women to present as his bride
- The tiger tries to talk to his bride but she is unresponsive
- The monkeys tell him to wake her by pulling a string on her neck
- When he does so her head falls to the ground
- The monkeys then attack the tiger saying he killed their sister
- The king is almost killed and now forever fears the monkeys because they are the only creatures to ever challenge him
Hunting the Stag Lapalang-
- The most gorgeous stag lived in a forest with his mother
- He began to grow bored within the small confines of his home
- He decided he would go to the Khasi hills despite his mothers begging
- At first all was well but then he was seen and all began to hunt him
- He is finally surrounded and killed
- The mother goes after him and hears the news of his death
- She cried for her son and all returned to their work, not daring to face the grieving mother
- The Khasis realized that their lamentations for their dead were inferior to this mothers devotion and they adopted her ways
How the Dog Came to live with Man-
- The dog looks for an item that he can bring to the fair
- The dog is hungry from searching and follows his nose into a village
- He is invited in by a woman and eats with the family
- He gets a jar of food to take to the fair from the family
- All the animals were enthralled with his item but when he opened it a putrid smell erupted
- The dog was ridiculed and scorned by all the animals at the fair
- He went back to the village and the man said he would protect him patting his head
- The dog did no work unlike the other tamed animals and they got fed up by his idleness
- The dog would however run all over the field after the work was done
- This made it look like he had done lots of work and was falsely accused by the pigs
- Man punished the pig by making him live outside by himself and eat only the scrapes of mans table
- The dog was granted to live inside with man
The Leap of Ka Likai-
- Name given to a waterfall with an unfortunate story behind it
- There was a young married women named Ka Likai who had a daughter
- The husband died while the child was very young
- Ka Likai does everything she can to support them but must marry again
- Her new husband was very selfish and hated the child because of the attention she received from Ka Likai
- He made Ka Likai work while he stayed home and abused the girl
- One day while Ka Likai is gone the step father kills the child and cuts her into pieces
- He cooks her into a soup
- Ka Likai returns home to find her husband in a good mood
- They have dinner together and at the end she reaches in a basket only to find her daughters hand
- She runs away and throws herself off the waterfall thus giving it its name
- This story warns women from marrying a second time
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