King Victory is presented daily with a single piece of fruit by a monk named Patience. Each day the fruit is then given to the King's treasurer. One day the king instead gives the fruit to a monkey who had wandered in and as the monkey split open the fruit a large gem fell to the floor. The king had the treasurer check the other fruit and all was filled with gems. The following day the king asked the monk why he was doing this and the monk requested the kings aid. The king meets the monk in the cemetery and the monk asks him to collect a body that will be hanging from a tree to the South. The king finds the body and cuts it lose, hearing it yelp as it hits the ground. The king rushes to the bodies side and realizes a goblin has occupied the body. The king throws the body over his shoulder and the goblin begins to tell the king a story. Each story the goblin tells ends with some type of riddle that if the king answers correctly the goblin its transported back up into the tree. If he answers the question incorrectly then the goblin move onto the next story.
Twenty-Two Goblins Homepage
The three brothers who brought a dead girl to life-
Three Brahman brothers request Coral's hand in marriage and her father has to pick 1 of the 3. Once he decides Coral still doesn't marry because she doesn't want to hurt the other two. She then when day gets very sick and dies. The 3 brothers mourn her death, one taking her ashes to sleep on, one taking her bones to the ganges and the third becoming a wandering monk. The monk ends up in a village called Thunderbolt where he meets with the family of a Brahman. The mother throws their crying child into the fire and he is turned to ash. The monk is shocked by this doing but the Brahman begins to explain to him that he has mastered the skill of bringing the dead back to life. He shows the monk by reading a spell and sprinkling some water onto the ashes. As he does so the boy rises back up and back to life as if nothing had even happened. The monk then steals the book that night in hopes of bringing Coral back to life. He returned to his brothers and cast the spell on Coral's ashes. They watched in amazement as she reappeared before their eyes. The goblin then asks the king which of the three should now be the wives husband. He explains his answer and chooses the one who slept in the cemetery with her ashes because thee were the acts of a husband. The goblin then escapes his grasp and ends up back in the tree. The king goes back to get him once again because he intends to honor his word to the monk.
The Three Lovers
Brave, Wise, Clever-
The daughter of the kings counselor, Moonlight, says she will marry either a brave, wise, or clever man and will die if she is married to anyone else. The counselor is off in the southern country to make peace for the king when he is approached by a Brahman youth requesting his daughters hand in marriage. He states that he is a clever man and proves himself by creating a flying chariot. The counselor arranges the marriage for the 7th day. Moonlight's brother is approached by another Brahman youth who claims he is a brave man. He shows the brother his skill with weapons and is also promised arraign for the 7th day. The mother was approached by a third Brahman youth who claims he is a wise man, he is also granted marriage for the 7th day. All 3 men show up on the 7th day but moonlight has been kidnapped by a giant named Smoke-tail. The clever man made a chariot once again to carry the men to the giants den. When they arrive the brave man fights and kills the giant. The goblin then asks the king which of the three men should be the one to marry Moonlight. The king explained it should be the brave man because he truly recused the girl while the other two were just helpers. Once again the goblin escapes his grasp and ends up back in the tree.
Brave, Wise, Clever
The Girl, Her Husband, and Her Brother-
In the city of Beautiful there is a lake called the Bath of Gauri in which once a year people come from all over to bathe in. One day a laundryman named White comes to the lake to bathe and sees a girl who catches his eye. Her name was lovely, he inquires about her and her family then goes home. White's father, Spotless, encourages his son that he will be able to obtain the girl for marriage. White and Lovely are married and invited by Lovely's brother to their families festival. They come to the temple of a goddess in the city of Beautiful and each plan to honor her. White goes in first and decides to favor her with a sacrifice. And so he cuts off his own head in her honor. The brother-in-law follows White into the temple, sees what he has done, goes mad with rage and also cuts his own head off. Lovely goes into the temple to find both her brother and husband dead on the floor and begins to grieve. Before killing herself she begs the goddess to give her the same husband and brother in each of her following lives. A voice comes to her as she is about to hang herself and tells her not to be rash and to place a hand on each of the men and they shall rise back up. In her rush though she placed the wrong heads on the wrong bodies and they came back to life. The goblin then asks the king which of the two should be her husband. The king answers that is should be the body with her husbands head because it is the head by which we recognize people. Once again the goblin slips away and back up into the tree.
The Girl, Her Husband and Her Brother
Food, Women, Cotton-
Three brothers are sent by their father to obtain a turtle from the ocean for his sacrifice. Once the brothers get the turtle they begin to argue about which should carry it. Each has a reason why it should not be them so they go to pinnacle to find the answer. The king plans to judge each of the brothers. He first judges the brother who is the critic of food and finds that he does indeed know food and everything about it. The king then sent the most beautiful women to the second brother to see if he really was the judge of women. She seemed to be extravagant but the brother was disgusted by her and said she smelled goaty. It was found that she girl had been raised on goat's milk and the king was impressed with the second brother. The third brother was tested with quilts, he arose in the middle of the night writing due to the presence of just one hair on one of the quilts. The boys were given gold by the king and decided to stay in the city, failing their father. The goblin then asked the king which of the three boys was the cleverest. The king chose the cotton specialist because the other two may have known of the issues beforehand. Once again the goblin ran off and back up into the tree.
Food, Women, Cotton
The Four Scientific Suitors-
King Heroic goes to the Ganges and prays to Shiva to be blessed with children. He is told he will have two children, one brave son and one beautiful daughter. His wife has their son Brave followed by their daughter Grace. When the girl comes of age the king begins to try her a husband. He is unable to find a man who he finds suitable and Grace tells him that all she wants is a husband who understand one science completely and throughly. Four scientific men come to the king and explain to him their sciences, a suite maker, a farmer who understands all animals, a swordsman, and a Brahman who can restore life to the deceased. The goblin then asks the king which of the 4 men should be given Grace. The king answers that the swordsmen is the only viable option for the daughter of a warrior. Once again the goblin escapes the kings grasp and makes his way back into the tree.
The Four Scientific Suitors
The Three Delicate Wives-
The king of Uijan had three wives, Crescent, Star, and Moon. While playing with his wives in the forest Crescent was wounded by the fall of a lotus petal onto her lap. The king then lay with Star that night and awoke to her crying with burns on her skin from the beams of moonlight touching her skin. Moon then moved through the castle to find the king and heard the grinding on grain following through the halls. At this moment she cried out in agony with bruises appearing all over her palms. The king loved all three of his wives dearly but their delicacy was quite inconvenient. The goblin then turned to the king and asked him which of the three wives was the most delicate. The king answered that it was Moon who was injured just by the sound of pestles and didn't actually come into contact with anything like the other two. Once again the goblin escaped and returned to the tree.
The Three Delicate Wives
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