Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Portfolio Introduction

Here are all the links that will take you directly to my portfolio stories. Two of my stories revolve around a food theme and my third is just my favorite story that we read this semester. Enjoy!

Portfolio Story #1

The Story of Mankanaka-
Portfolio Story #2

Ganesha the Bottomless Pit-
Portfolio Story #3

Monday, December 1, 2014

OU Email Tech Tip: Week 15

I have previously used folders to organize my personal account and to keep track of important emails that I may need in the future. I try to continually delete my mail so my inbox never gets to full.

Class Writing: Week 15

I have a split view on the writing that was required for this class. I tend to be a good writer when it comes to research papers but the writing in the class often challenged me because of the creativity aspect that was required. I think this in the end hurt me, I didn't like to do storytelling posts because I never felt like they were creative or good. I think the reading diary posts were beneficial if you ever needed to look back on a previous weeks readings. However, I never really needed to do so. I think I would have preferred to take quizzes over the readings rather than having to do so much writing. I chose to do the portfolio option which was easier for me but still a struggle. I would have much rather written a research paper over any variety of Indian culture topics. I think this would be a good option to add into the mix for those of us who are more analytical and less creative.

Reading Suggestions: Week 15

I think the changes that you are planning on making would be a great way to mix things up week to week. I know that I personally got bored with the Narayan and Buck versions and often wanted a change of pace. I think the myth-folklore stories that we were provided towards the end of the semester gave a good look into another facet of Indian myth and provided a different viewpoint than we had previously seen. I think the change would benefit your future students and help to keep them interested in the material.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Famous Last Words:Week 14

Well this week has absolutely flown by and thanksgiving was no exception. I had a great time being home and spending some much needed time with my family and new niece. It was also wonderful to catch back up with all of my high school friends and see what their plans are following graduation at the end of the year. It is crazy to think that 4 years in college have almost been completed and that we will all be moving on. Hopefully I will be able to continue putting off entering the real world and will get accepted into the dental school program at OU. This decision has yet to be announced and has been placing a lot of stress into my life as I await the outcome. However, at least we only have 2 more weeks of school remaining and then will be off for a month. When I was home for thanksgiving I found out that I will be working at the Container store over winter break which will be an interesting experience. I really just needed some sort of job and didn't care to be overly picky when it came to finding one. I plan on working as much as I can over the break so I can continue saving money for my graduation trip to Europe. I am still trying to find a new job in Norman for next semester since I will only be in class two days a week. Not exactly sure how I managed to make it happen but my only classes next semester are on Monday and Wednesday from 8-3 with breaks in between. I haven't had a full day of classes since my sophomore year so it will be interesting to see how it goes. Hopefully I will be able to finish the semester strong and head out for break with a 4.0.

Jubilee and Santa 
Image taken by: Emily Reynosa

Tech Tip: Google Presence

It is quite intriguing to google your own name and see what you can find. My name is not necessarily original, however, the spelling of my last name is. Vaughan (how my family spells it) is often seen without the final a, Vaughn. This spelling is from the specific area of Ireland that my family is from and is still quite common there today. When I googled myself my Facebook and Linkedin profiles are all that appeared initially. When I added Texas to the end of the search I actually found the Facebook of another Austin Vaughan who spelled his name exactly the same as I do. I tinkered with a few other keywords but I couldn't find any additional information on myself. I guess I have a positive online presence which is beneficial when applying to graduate programs and job positions in the future.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Reading Diary B: Week 14: Khasi Folktales

What Makes the Lightning- 

  • The animals watched the yearly festival of the humans and decide to create their own 
  • The thunder giant summons all the animals with his drum
  • Each animal came playing some role in the festival 
  • A lynx danced around holding a silver sword 
  • The thunder giant asks if he may borrow the sword so he too can dance, the lynx doesn't like this idea
  • He is shamed by the others to give the thunder giant the sword since he is a guest and has gathered them all 
  • The giant swings the sword wildly creating flashes of light while also beating his drum
  • The animals scatter in fear
  • The thunder giant leaps into the sky with the sword and can often be seen brandishing them both creating thunder and lightning
  • The lynx never forgot his loss and builds a mound daily in hopes of reaching the sky to take back his sword

Ka Panshandi, The Lazy Tortoise-
  • There lived a ugly, lazy tortoise by a large pool
  • The pool was so clear that many stars came to look at their beauty in it
  • One star in particular came very often and always noticed the playfulness of the tortoise
  • He was far away and couldn't see her ugliness or her habits
  • This star planned to marry her and come down to earth to be with her
  • He went against the advice of others going down to Earth and taking her as his bride
  • Having married one of the wealthiest grooms she became more lazy than ever
  • The house was a disaster and she would be covered in mud
  • After many attempts to fix her the star became discontent and left his wife
  • She begged for him to come back, promising change but her never did return 
  • The Khasi's refer to expectant wives waiting for their husbands return as Ka Pranshandi

How the Cat Came to live with Man-
  • Ka Miaw, the cat lived with her brother the tiger
  • Their household was to be great and lavish due to their standing but the tiger often only worried of himself
  • She attempts to speak to the tiger about his uncaring nature but this only angers him
  • He grows sick on day and is visited by friends, he requests that his sister light the hookah
  • She says there is no fire and the tiger orders her to go to a village of men to get some
  • When she arrives some children come and pet her and play with her which she greatly enjoys
  • She forgets her task and plays with the children for a long while
  • The tiger grows impatient and goes looking for her
  • She hears him coming and remembers what she is to be doing and gets the fire and heads home
  • She runs into her brother and he threatens her
  • She returns to man and has stayed ever since for fear of her brother

How the Ox Came to be the Servant of Man-
  • When mankind was first on earth they didn't know how to live and were wasteful 
  • The gods noticed this and sent an Ox as their messenger to help teach them the ways
  • The Ox travels a long way and is covered in bugs
  • A crow lands on him and helps remove all of the insects and the Ox is grateful'
  • He tells the crow of his mission and what he is to teach the men
  • This upsets the crow for its food source is the waste of men
  • The crow asks the Ox that since she removed all the bugs would he teach men to cook lots of rice and leave it for the gods so that the crows may always have food to eat
  • The Ox delivers parts of the original message while also adding in what the crow requested he say
  • The gods were very displeased with what the Ox had done and he was banished after being struck in both the mouth and ribs
  • He returns to mankind and requests to serve them and they accept him
  • To this day the Ox has no upper teeth and a hollow in his stomach that may never be filled no matter how much he eats, this is the punishment of the gods