What a crazy week this has been; from the stress of not getting my books on time to the first football game of the season. Starting out with this class I clearly had some issues this week due to a lack of receiving my books required for our readings. This definitely threw me out of my usual groove but thankfully we were provided with enough extra credit for me to make up for the mishap. I can't believe yesterday marked my last first game day at OU; my time here has flown by. Even though it was extremely hot outside I loved being back in that stadium and hearing the roar of the crowd. There aren't many better things than the atmosphere on campus during an OU game. Today, Sunday, I am really looking forward to heading down to Wayne, Oklahoma to spend some time at the farm and get in some shooting practice. Tomorrow is the opening day of dove season and I plan on being up bright and early to hopefully have a successful hunt before heading back to Norman. Today we will also probably go dirt biking and 4 wheeling around the land just for a bit of fun. My girlfriend is also coming down to the farm with us and she has never shot a gun in her life. I'm excited to see how her first time goes and maybe she will just pick it right up. I'm also really looking forward to trying out my two new guns I just received from my grandpa within the past few weeks. He has given me a 12 gauge Ithaca shotgun and a Browning Safari .30-06. I had the chance to shoot the shotgun this past weekend and it being an older gun, kicks like a Clydesdale. However, the .30-06 rifle has yet to be fired and I would really like to check and make sure it is still sighted in and firing correctly. Hopefully all goes well this weekend.

Gift from Mason
Photo taken by Austin Vaughan
There really isn't anything better than Gaylord Memorial Stadium on a Saturday evening. I'm glad to see that someone else appreciates it as much as I do. Also, great photo - I'm a big fan of the 2nd amendment and I'm glad you are too. It also made me laugh when you said that your gun "kicks like a Clydesdale." I'll be using that line for sure.
ReplyDeleteHey, Austin! I understand the bittersweet feelings associated with your last year at OU- the football games will definitely be missed as well as the beauty of the campus in the fall- won’t get that next year! Anyways, congrats on making it to your senior year and I’m glad you take some time to go to the farm, hang with your gf, and truly enjoy your senior year while you can- some people get so caught up in academics they forget there’s so much more to college than that.
ReplyDeleteHi Austin! It's hard to imagine that it is already senior year. The atmosphere during game day is always really lively, so it is hard to think about not being a student at the games next year. I hope that your weekend home went well. It sounds like you planned a lot of fun things to do. Good luck for your other classes. I hope you have a good semester!
ReplyDeleteHi Austin! The only Famous Last Words post I did happens to be the same week as yours. It really is a great way to get extra credit when needed. Are you looking forward to the OU/TX game this weekend? I am excited. I cannot believe its already been another year since the last one! Have a great rest of your week!
ReplyDeleteHi Austin! It sounds like this was such a great weekend! I honestly have never shot a gun either, but would love to try it some day! I hope it all went well and your that your girlfriend had a blast! It must be so weird to be a senior and to be going to the football games for the last time as a student. I am a junior so the thought of being a senior next year really freaks me out! I hope you have a blast at your last few games! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteI know this post was from a while ago, but I still related to it. I especially connected with your love of OU football and the atmosphere it creates in Norman, especially on campus. I love Sooner Football! I'm really excited to go to my first OU v. Texas game this weekend! I'm a senior so I figured I had to go at least once, so my dad (a die-hard longhorn fan) and I are going together then we are going to hang out at the Texas State Fair.
ReplyDeleteIt's cool that you go out and shoot. Growing up, I wasn't allowed to ever shoot a gun because that was something girls were not supposed to do, but I want to learn how to shoot so bad! Our family is pretty big into hunting and I am once again missing out on deer season (though hopefully someone will send me some meat).
I hope you had a great week! BOOMER SOONER!
It’s so crazy being a senior! This is my very last semester and everything is so freaking surreal! I went to graduation gear up today and it was insane because I was finally getting my cape and gown. It was kind of awful, though cause I don’t want to graduate yet! I’m not ready to be an adult! I know this is an old post, but I hope you had an awesome time doing everything you planned!
ReplyDeleteOh hey Vaughan. I completely know where you're coming from when you were freaking out about your books. Most of my books that I ordered didn't get here for WEEKS and actually, my spanish book has yet to come in! (I already got another copy, though. Whew!) For this class, I accidentally sent my Epics books to my house in Tulsa when I originally bought them so I had to also purchase the Kindle version of the first Ramayana which was a bummer. Anyways, I hope you had a fun time shooting and I hope you had an awesome time at the game!
ReplyDeleteI hope your OU/TX experience this year is as exciting as it was last year (;
I understand how you felt about books this year, I didn't get any of mine on time and found it to be quite stressful. I would probably be enjoying the opening of dove season as well but I recently had shoulder surgery and won't be able to hold a shotgun for awhile. My grandfather left me some pretty cool guns as well, so I know how that feels. Have fun out there!
ReplyDeleteI am also in the same boat as you for the books. I actually shipped mine to the wrong address so I don’t have anything posted for week 2. I haven’t ever been to a football game just to watch the game, but I have worked concession and I you’re right, you can hear the loud roars, and all the fans getting hype.